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How Do Social Entrepreneurs Make Money?

How Do Social Entrepreneurs Make Money?

September 09, 20233 min read

How Do Social Entrepreneurs Make Money?

Understanding the Essence

Ever paused during a hectic day, wondering if there's more to business than just profits? Well, a bunch of innovative souls did, and they gave birth to social entrepreneurship.

What is Social Entrepreneurship?

Let's picture this. You know those superheroes in movies who save the day? Now, imagine them wearing business suits, armed with strategies to tackle societal problems. They are social entrepreneurs. Not just content with donations or charity, they integrate head and heart, driving change and simultaneously ensuring their venture's sustainability.

Beyond Charity: A Business Model

Unlike pure charities that rely solely on donations, social enterprises function as businesses, albeit with a dual focus on profit and purpose. Think of them as a bridge between non-profits and traditional businesses. Intriguing, right?

Key Revenue Models

Wondering how they keep the money rolling while doing good? Here's a sneak peek.

Direct Sales

Much like traditional businesses, many social entrepreneurs sell products directly to consumers. But here's the twist: these products often address a social need. Picture TOMS shoes, which donates a pair for every pair bought. Not just heartwarming, it's savvy marketing too!

Service Fees

Some social enterprises offer services (like training or consultancy) and charge a fee. The key is ensuring these services align with their social mission. Imagine a training program that empowers marginalized communities with skills. Yes, it's a win-win!


Licensing their brand or method to others allows these entrepreneurs to expand their impact. Think about a unique recycling method being adopted by multiple organizations. One idea, multiplied effect!


This is where it gets cool. They might offer a product or service to one group at a market rate and subsidize the cost for another, underserved group. Think of it as a Robin Hood strategy, but within the framework of a business model.

The Balancing Act

Juggling profit with purpose? It's like trying to dance on a tightrope.

Revenue vs. Impact

It's an art and science to ensure the social mission isn't overshadowed by the need for revenue. Ever tried balancing a pen on your finger? It needs continuous adjustment, much like the priorities in a social enterprise.

Sustainability Challenges

With increasing competition and changing dynamics, maintaining sustainability while sticking to their social goals can be a challenge. Like steering a boat against the tide, it's tough but possible.

Building Trust and Credibility

It's essential to keep stakeholders in the loop, build trust, and ensure the venture's transparency. After all, navigating a complex landscape is easier with allies by your side.

Scaling and Expansion

A thriving social enterprise? Time to take the impact to the next level.


By franchising their successful model, social entrepreneurs can increase their reach without diluting their core principles. Think McDonald's, but with a social twist.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Collaborating with like-minded entities amplifies the impact. Two heads (or businesses) are, after all, better than one!

Navigating the Path Ahead

The journey of a social entrepreneur isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. With passion as their compass and a robust business model as their vehicle, they're making waves, one dollar and one deed at a time.


Do social entrepreneurs have to sacrifice profit for purpose?

Not necessarily. With the right model, they can achieve both.

Is it harder for social entrepreneurs to get funding?

While challenges exist, many investors value the dual impact of social enterprises.

Can traditional businesses transition to social enterprises?

Absolutely! It requires integrating a social mission and revisiting business strategies.

What sectors do social entrepreneurs typically operate in?

They can be found in various sectors, from healthcare and education to environment and technology.

Are there any global networks or communities for social entrepreneurs?

Yes, organizations like Ashoka and the Skoll Foundation support and connect social entrepreneurs globally.

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Chuck Anderson

Chuck Anderson is the founder of Fincastle Media Inc, a firm that specializes in helping clients with their affiliate and brand ambassador programs. In addition to his work at Fincastle Media, Chuck is also the founder of and and a long-time coach and trainer with Ignited Academy. Chuck was the former Director of Marketing and Managing Partner at the Internet Marketing Center, where he helped grow the company to $20 million in annual revenue.

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Learn From These Expert Social Entrepreneurs...

Chuck Anderson

Strategic Partnerships & Affiliate Marketing

Dr. Kayvon Kay

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Lori Osborne

Website & Branding

Jim Padilla

Strategic Planning & Sales Systems

Iman Aghay

Collaborations & Partnerships

Estie Starr

Marketing & Strategy

Igor Kheifets

Email Marketing

Dr. Noah St. John

7 Figure Mindset

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